Patient’s Age: 68
Admission Date: 4/6/18
Discharge Date: 4/28/18
Discharged to: Home
Length of Stay: 22 Days
Reason for Stay: Atrial fibrillation and fall
How did patient hear about Chatham Hills?: Family members were previous patients.
Details of experience:
Toward the end of March 2018, Lynn started to not feel well. While getting herself out of bed one night, she fell and slid onto the floor. She was taken to Overlook Hospital, where she was found in rapid atrial fibrillation along with being treated for a newly found infection. She suffered from a stroke, which left her unable to speak and unable to remember things that had just happened. She also suffered from a change in mental status with her aphasia and dysphasia. Lynn was scared of what was going to happen.
During her stay at Overlook Hospital, she completely resolved her symptoms spontaneously! Thankful that she did not need any extensive procedures, she was advised that she would need further rehabilitation. Lynn recalled that her family members have been previous patients at Chatham Hills Subacute Care Center, and she knew that was the place she wanted to go. Lynn was admitted to Chatham Hills on April 6, 2018. She was very apprehensive because she didn’t know what to expect. Upon admission, Lynn was smoothly set up in her room with her roommate whom she became friends with.
Lynn’s original goal when arriving to Chatham Hills was to be able to walk and return home with her husband, Dan, and their dog, Lucy. Lynn was independent and was taking care of herself and her family before being admitted. She was evaluated by her therapists, Sue and Leslie. Lynn was only able to walk 10 feet with assistance and could not walk up any steps and needed maximum assistance with herself care management. Lynn demonstrated excellent rehab potential with her motivation to participate and her motivation to return to her prior level of function.
Lynn practiced different therapeutic exercises and neuromuscular re-education. Her occupational therapists, Sue and Michelle, practiced dressing with her in her room as well as working out her whole body. While in physical therapy with Leslie and Archie, she exercised her arms and legs to strengthen her for walking. As Lynn’s discharge date was drawing near, she consistently progressed in both physical and occupational therapy.
Aside from attending therapy six days a week, Lynn also participated in various activities, which lead to her making friends for her time here. Her and her husband, Dan, attended our monthly birthday party where they took pleasure in listening to our entertainer, Clifford Seay. She also enjoyed the diverse selection of church services that we provide here at Chatham Hills.
After only three weeks in therapy, Lynn achieved her goals! She is now able to walk over 150 feet with a rolling walker as well as ascending/descending eight steps. As Lynn stated, “Chatham Hills Subacute Care Center is one of the best rehabs I’ve ever been to or seen. They make you feel comfortable. During my stay here, I felt like I’ve gotten a lot from being here as far as my rehab. I had a really great roommate too. I went to all the activities that I could. The more I got out and did the activities, the better I felt. My nurse Shirley and my aide Annette definitely made my stay here more comfortable and enjoyable. Kathleen, the Concierge Director, was great. She is always in a cheerful mood and always smiling, which is really nice. My doctor, Dr. Li, was pretty good, too. I think everyone in your rehab team really helps you get through and that’s what I’m happy about.”
Team Chatham Hills is thrilled to congratulate Lynn on her successful stay and continued success at home! We wish her nothing but the best now and in her future.